Engaging with the public

Engage with the public and communities and be open to supporting and developing community initiatives and events.

I will be a visible PCC and engage with the public being the advocate they want.  I will engage with councils, councillors, and other stakeholders.

Many people complain to me that the present PCC is not visible, avoids the media and does little regular or meaningful consultation.

I will change that. Today we have many more tools available to us and I will use them while still maintaining older lines of communication. You will see some of these tools used in my election campaign.

Additional communities can help the police do their job, which is where “developing community initiatives and events” comes in.

There are many ways to engage with communities on an individual level or as a whole and I will bring forward community initiatives and help the community develop them. As individuals, we can engage with our community, and young people must be part of this.  

There are several well-established ways young people can be helped to access and engage with the community - clubs and activities, athletics, the arts, street sports and volunteering etc. The latter brings me on to my last point.   

Following the incredibly sad death of the Duke of Edinburgh, I think a fitting tribute to his work would be to offer young people in the Humber region assistance in embarking on the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme. To this end I will be making a budget available to assist with this process and support community projects, I will also be endeavouring to attract additional support through working with businesses.